My goal is to raise awareness in the Chef Industry. I believe that the Chef Industry is unsustainable therefore I am on a mission to improve it.
Many chefs dream a lot and almost never think about themselves in terms of quality of life or concrete prospects, often ending up in mental breakdown and various problems, including economic ones.
My goal is to change all that, giving tips and practical advice for chefs.
Originally from Italy, I moved to Denmark in 2014. I am a Chef with a Master's in Health Coaching and NLP, and have experience working in Michelin-starred restaurants and large catering companies. My discipline and passion for health have made me a valuable asset and role model in the culinary industry.
It all started with the idea that chefs should reach their retirement years healthy and strong.
How could I achieve that?
By raising awareness in my team about the habits that truly make a difference. Since I was pursuing a 3-year Master's in Health Coaching while working as a Chef, I decided to combine my knowledge and experience.
And why not share our project on Instagram with the world?
To be able to proactively focus on achieving a body-mind balance, it is essential to constantly work on your mindset, on those empowering beliefs and convictions that help you increase your awareness and self-esteem, and express self-leadership., to develop resilience and to perfect your internal and external communication at all times.
Taking care of yourself through body movement is essential to create positive emotions and generate hormones - MOTION CREATES EMOTIONS - capable of modifying biochemistry and eliminating dysfunctional behaviors that are harmful to your health.
Eating with awareness and following a diet that is functional to achieving and maintaining your state of psychophysical well-being are necessary conditions for being able to make responsible choices for your health.
Learning to love yourself, satisfying your needs through awareness of your identity and potential, leads you to commit every day to realizing our life project, accepting obstacles and giving value to every opportunity that presents itself.
Allies are those who are able to support and support you during the realization of your Life Project; whoever hinders you from reaching your goal becomes a new stimulus to find strength and determination.
The Mindful Chef Movement: